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Library Collections: Quiet Zone collections



Material in loose leaf format, folders, packs etc. Shelved on the first floor on the left hand side before the bound journals.


Gaeilge|Gaeilge Reference

A collection of Irish language material, including reference material, on all subject areas shelved beside the Literature books (800s) on the first floor.



Supreme and High Court Judgements are located with the Official Publications collection on the first floor.

Main Collection (continued)

Languages (400s) and literature and general fiction (800s) are upstairs on the first floor.


ATU, Sligo Research

Includes undergraduate dissertations, and Masters and Doctoral theses. The research Masters are labelled RES and shelved separately from the taught Masters, followed by the Doctorates. Located on the top right hand side of the first floor after the Withdrawn section.

Official Publications

This includes Government reports, EU material, global organisations (UN, OECD), standards, publications of semi-state and voluntary organisations, conference proceedings and statistics. They are located on the quiet zone and are for reference only.

Journals (continued)

The bound journals are shelved on the quiet zone beside the reference section. 



This is our collection of reference resources, such as encyclopaedias, dictionaries, yearbooks, almanacs and other material for reference use within the library. This is shelved on the quiet zone.



This includes older material that has been taken out of the main collection. They are borrowable. Located on the right hand side of the quiet zone and they have blue dots on their spines.


Yeats DVD's and CD's

A collection of over 550 lectures on DVD-R and CD-R delivered at the Yeats International Summer School from 1962 to the present. One copy is held at the Yeats building, Hyde Bridge, Sligo and a backup copy is held in a cabinet on the Quiet Zone.


Quiet Zone Map

Quiet Zone Map